Sunday, October 4, 2009

random babbling.

what's wrong with you? what are you trying to say brian? are you secretly trying to get attention? are you trying to have people listen to useless crap you say at least once a week hoping people will ask you whats wrong? what is wrong with you as a person, seriously. why are you such a judgemental person while you arent anything great yourself, you have no life brian, you're a idiot, you're clumsy, you cant do anything for yourself, you're not bold enough to be independent, you're a little wimp, you will never get far in life...
so what makes us feel disappointed or mad? is it us not being able to get what we want? is it us worrying what people say about us? is it the drama we're stuck in? 
everything happens for a reason... so much crap we go through is hecka stupid and whenever people lend out a hand to help, why dont we take it? you want some attention but you dont take it kind of thing.
wtf right? haha hm... idk but i think we all get tired of ourselves at times and i think its a waste of time. i find thinking about myself is a waste of time because it doesn't help me in anyway. but then it makes me wanna hear about other people. its like... you're selfish for using selfless reasons to listen, although its good to listen. i know people go through worse things than me, but thats not really a reason to stop someone from talking about themselves right? it doesnt make you less of a priority or something. idk this is hecka random.. blahhhhh a lot of people having bad weeks now days. i just hope people can open up and be just happy. why do we have to talk behind peoples backs, start drama with others, act like total dicks when we can just be real and just show people you can be such an amazing, soft hearted, beautiful person. you're wonderfully made, you're so beautiful it melts my heart when i see you all the time, seeing you're passion makes me inspired to grow more, seeing how you cry makes my heart break, seeing how you hunger God makes me wonder where my bottomless stomach is, you smiling makes me wanna just stand next to you forever, whenever you feel all alone i just wanna hug you forever, whenver you're just chillin... i still wanna hug you forever haha, when you feel frustrated and dont know waht to do, i wish i was smart/wise enough to help you and talk to you till 4 o'clock in the morning just mumbling on about how you are without one of us just saying... "yeah... good you?" cuz we know we're not ALWAYS FRICKIN GOOD. and i wanna make sure i just listen to you and not turn a story into me. i just wanna be a good friend, but i guess its hard for people to see that in me. not surprised i'm so craji. haha hm... yeah i love you people dearly and i wish i could express fully how much i love you, but everyones so different now.. tough love is thrown in the faces who wanna show the same love as last year, the summer, beginning of school, ending of school, and just whenever...... love is hard to show when your love gets shut down.

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